Performing household chores can be quite overwhelming, especially when you have a full-time job, a family, kids, and pets to take care of. Doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning, and cooking can consume a considerable amount of time. But when your significant other shares these responsibilities with you, it can make the job easier.
It’s important to discuss and decide which household task each person is responsible for and hold them accountable. If one partner keeps letting the other off the hook, the job of maintaining a tidy home can become challenging.
One homemaker realized this the hard way when she woke up one day and realized she was shouldering the entire burden of running the household and taking care of her boyfriend’s two kids and cat.
When her boyfriend moved into her house with his children, he expressed a desire to have a Siberian Husky. However, the homemaker wasn’t willing to take on the responsibility of raising a puppy, especially a husky, which is known to be a challenging breed. She already had a dog who was housebroken and well-behaved.
Over time, the homemaker found herself handling all the household chores, and taking care of the kids and the pets, while her boyfriend went out drinking with his friends. She realized that she had become her boyfriend’s keeper.
It’s important to have an honest and open discussion with your partner about household responsibilities and expectations. Otherwise, it can lead to resentment, burnout, and frustration.
1. Is she an A-hole? Keep on scrolling down to find out.
2. 3 years ago OP’s boyfriend moved in with his 2 kids and also wanted to get a husky too
3. She refrained from completing the fostering form as she was aware of her boyfriend’s strong desire to own a husky.
4. Since the family moved in, OP has been solely responsible for taking care of all their pets. Therefore, she was reluctant to add another animal to the mix.
5. Despite OP’s objections, her boyfriend is still insisting on getting a husky and even went as far as to threaten to leave if she doesn’t agree.
6. huskies require a lot of hard work to live a good life
7. Considering that her boyfriend cannot even help with basic household chores, getting a husky puppy is not a wise decision.
8. He already had one husky and failed to train it before he had to give it up.
9. It can serve as a useful way for OP to determine whether her boyfriend is capable of keeping his word.
10. OP had already attempted to test her boyfriend’s ability to deliver on his promises, but it only led to a foul-smelling mess that she had to clean up yet again.
11. With each additional comment, OP’s boyfriend is making a bad situation worse.
12. Exactly just don’t add another one to your list
13. OP also does all the laundry, cooks four nights a week, and takes care of the dishes
14. Based on the information we have about this man, do you think he’s a good father?
15. Based on his behavior and comments, it appears that he may view taking care of his own children as “babysitting.”
16. We think it’s time for OP to take a more assertive stance and treat her boyfriend like a tenant who needs to be evicted for failing to uphold his responsibilities.
17. Is OP being taken advantage of in this relationship?
18. What does he contribute to help the OP?
19. Is this weaponized incompetence?
20. Is this the life OP wants?
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