Losing a loved one can permanently damage you. It really can have terrible repercussions on your health. That loved one can be anyone, your partner, or maybe your pet animal. Suppose you have a dog and it goes missing one day, your heart will start pounding as if you are about to have a heart attack as the fear of losing your dog forever takes over you. And unfortunately, when you try your best and don’t manage to find your best friend, the fact that you have to accept it being gone kills your soul as you lose all purpose to stay alive.
Normally what happens is when the pet gets lost, the owner manages to find it and if that doesn’t happen, then some kind person stumbles upon it and decides to own it and provides it with a good life. In today’s story, we have a Redditor user who took it to the infamous subreddit AITA to ask if they were wrong or not for what they did. She shared that she found a puppy under her staircase one day. After trying hard to search for its owner and not being able to locate them she decided to adopt the puppy. Fast forward 6 years, the previous owner of the puppy, now a grown-up dog, showed up and demanded his puppy back. The woman refused because it really is weird for someone to show up after over half a decade to get the dog back, the one they lost.
Scroll down below to read how it all went and do share your vote in the end.
1. OP tried her based to locate the dog’s owners but she couldn’t. Ultimately her landlord asked her to keep the dog if she wanted and she did.
2. 6 years later OP posted about Bear on a Facebook group and his previous owner stumbled upon that post and he quickly messaged her to confirm if it was the same dog. It was.
3. OP talked to Bear’s previous owner and he wanted to arrange a meetup. She thought he just wanted to see the dog but he wanted to take it back.
4. OP tried to convince him that there has now formed a strong enough connection between her and Bear to give it back.
5. The rejection made the dude angry.
6. OP got confused and wanted to know if she was an AH for not giving back the dog or not.
7. In no way should he get it back.
8. OP was very sure of the fact that Bear was that person’s dog as he did everything he could to prove it to her.
6 years is a very long time. It isn’t any joke to separate two lovers after they have been together for that many years. And the owner really is an AH for losing his dog in the first place. And an even bigger AH for bosting about the fact that he paid $3000 for the dog. You don’t value your loved ones with money. OP did right by rejecting to meet that guy. She should cut all contact with him.
Here is what the internet had to say:
9. This is how OP should deal with getting sued.
10. Cut all contact with him but keep your eyes open because he may try to steal Bear.
11. It really wouldn’t be a good idea to make Bear travel for hours to make a family he probably has no memory of.
12. OP over the 6 years has spent much more than $3000 that the ex-owner spent to get the dog.
13. Giving the dog away after 6 years of bonding would not be good for it.
14. That’s $70,000 more than what that guy spent.
15. If he cared that much for his dog he wouldn’t have lost it in the first place.
16. He really was being very unreasonable with that request.
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