Pets are living creatures that we welcome into our homes and hearts as family members, rather than just animals that we purchase from pet shops or breeders. Even though we may have purchased them, the person who cares for them is the one who genuinely owns them.
It is the one who looks for them, walks them, and loves them enough for them to be considered truly their own. And today, we have one of those tales.
Phoebe (21), Maddie (18), and Lily (16) are the three girls that OP and her husband made. Over her husband’s habit to spoil Lily, OP and her husband frequently quarreled. A prime example of this was Lily’s desire for a dog in April of 2020, despite the desires of OP, Phoebe, and Maddie, who were all against getting a dog. Charlie, a tiny pom chi puppy, was brought home by her husband in July 2020. Lily soon became attracted to Charlie and took care of him. But after a few months, Lily changed her mind and chose a cat since she felt that dogs required too much work.
Charlie was no longer permitted to sleep in Lily’s room because Duncan the cat was already using it by the time Christmas rolled around. Phoebe grew fond of Charlie and took over caring for him after Lily stopped bringing him for walks and playing with him.
When Phoebe finished her degree and decided to move out, OP allowed her to take Charlie with her. When Lily learned, she was furious and asserted that OP had no right to do so, and her husband agreed. Now OP wonders if she an A-hole or not. Keep on scrolling down to know the whole story and then let us know who’s the A-hole here.
1. Here goes the title of this post
2. OP and her husband have 3 daughters, Phoebe, Maddie, and Lily. OP and her husband have quarreled a lot of times over her husband’s habit of spoiling Lily.
3. Charlie, a tiny pom chi puppy, was brought home by her husband in July 2020. Lily soon became attracted to Charlie and took care of him. But after a few months, Lily changed her mind and opted for a cat since she felt that dogs required a great deal of work.
4. After some time the opposite happened Phoebe started to get attached to Charlie and she also did all of the chores required for Charlie
5. Phoebe got graduated and she just found a great low pet rent friendly building so she and Charlie could move out together
6. That’s a perfect fit for Phoebe and her cute doggo Charlie
7. Lily got furious when she got to know that Phoebe is taking Charlie along with her and Lily was also angry with OP because OP suggested Phoebe should take the dog with her.
8. OP has justified why she believes she might be the a-hole
9. Exacly, pets are no toy that you can pick back up when bored after years. Pets deserve to stay with those who love and care for them and provide all the necessary things.
10. Definitely, OP is not an A-hole here.
11. Apparently, he tends to spoil Lily plus he is the biggest problem here.
12. Well this is a very A-hole move of the husband, he always should have consulted OP before buying pets.
13. Point to be noted
14. Lily and OP’s husband are the real A-hole here
15. All the blame goes to the dad in the end, because he is the reason why Lily is like this.
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