Cats are frequently misunderstood.
I know that when most people think of cats, they think of demons who appear adorable on the outside but are only there to lure you in so they can scratch out your eyeballs. But I’m here to tell you that it’s just a stereotype, and cats aren’t like that. Okay, let me clarify that most cats are not like that. I mean, when it comes to humans, there are good and bad ones, right? The same holds true for cats, except that not every cat is good, and we simply misunderstand some of them. That doesn’t mean they don’t do things that make us want to rip our hair out at times.
If you have a cat, you know the terror you feel when your cat looks into your eyes and slides the glass off the counter, shattering it on the ground. It’s as if they’re saying, “Look what I can do, and you can’t do sh*t about it.” It’s not like they’re completely wrong. Jokes aside, most pets adore their owners; animals simply express their love in different ways. That is why we are looking at some ‘Am I the A**hole’ posts today. I’m sure we can all guess what these posts are about. It became popular on Reddit, and people use it to learn whether they are correct or not. And, while I enjoy the subreddit, I had no idea what I was missing until I came across something similar, but from the perspective of cats.
Yes, you read that correctly. So, scroll down to make your own decision about these cats.
Roommates should definitely guard each other when in the toilet. This is roommate 101.
We also got a picture of the roommate and thus the cat tax has been satisfied.
I would 100% agree with this person. The injustice is painful to see.
My cat does the same thing all the time.
Once they sit on you, that basically means you have to cancel all your plans for the day.
I can tell that her roommate is being speciesist and she needs to be taught a lesson.
It’s not her fault that the toe was right there all wiggly!
I’m not going to sit here and pretend that cats don’t do annoying things. because it would be a huge lie. However, we must understand their point of view. because once we do that, we will realise that most of what they do is for a good reason. They see us as big, clumsy cats, so they think it’s okay to lick us clean or guard us because that’s what they’d do for other cats. It’s not because they’re trying to make us feel bad on purpose.
They are naturally curious and will occasionally make a mess if you haven’t played with them in a while. And, while I don’t have an excuse for every instance of their behaviour, I can say that many people find it difficult to be angry at a cat. I mean, who hasn’t awoken to a cat biting their toe?
The anger is evident on the face and I would feel the same If I didn’t have my second breakfast.
It is clear that she cannot wait for 10 minutes because that would be too much of an injustice.
He just wants to eat his food how he wants but his roommate is being way too controlling.
I also thought that this was going to be one creepy story.
Via Twitter: Gritty
I can feel the pain of this one. My cat will hurl himself into the door and open it if I don’t have it locked.
But then they stare at you while you poop which is uncomfortable, to say the least.
Apparently, animals love doing this.
My cat on the other hand would spend all his time in the bathroom if he could.
What did you think of the AITA tweets? Do you have a better understanding of cats now? Did this inspire you to go out and adopt a cat right now? Or do you already have too many cats? Why not share your cat’s antics in the comments section? After all, the Internet can never have enough cat content. Don’t forget to share these posts with your friends so they can have a good laugh as well.
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