Drones are not toys.
And by that, I mean drones that can fly quite high and cause disturbances, not cheap plastic toys. As a result, there are numerous laws and regulations that must be followed if you want to fly a drone. Flying over people’s houses and invading their privacy is something that no one should do. While most drone pilots are well aware of this, others simply don’t care about the law, which can not only tarnish the reputation of drone pilots as a whole but also land them in trouble with the law that they ignore.
That is precisely what occurred in this story. And I must say that it was well deserved because a dog was involved, and no one wants to see a dog suffer. This story began when a man obtained a drone and developed a bad habit of hara**ing his neighbor’s malamute. As you might expect, the neighbor asked him several times not to do this. Because this caused the dog a lot of stress and he could have been hurt. However, the guy never listened, which is what got him into trouble. If he had only listened in the first place, none of this would have happened. But he went too far in his quest for righteousness when he was the one at fault.
I won’t spoil the rest of the story for you, so scroll down and enjoy the sweet revenge for yourself.
The title does not do this story justice as it is quite a lot more juicy.
It all starts with a drone pilot who is one of the most annoying kinds of human beings.
It is not as if he wasn’t warned time and time again not to do this.
But he didn’t listen and that is how he ended up with a drone that looked like a chew toy.
And while the poster of this story might have sued, it was actually a good thing.
Because now, he was able to really let loose and get this guy in some serious trouble.
And for all the people who desperately wanted the picture of the champ.
I can’t believe this guy’s stupidity. It’s one thing to mess with the dog, but it’s quite another to sue your neighbor when you’re the one at fault. Did he think it wouldn’t be discovered that he didn’t have the necessary documents to fly a drone? I have no understanding of his point of view. And it’s not like he could have fixed the drone, so it was all for naught, and he ended up wasting a lot more time than if he had just kept quiet. But he just had to sue his neighbor, thinking that not only would he get the money, but he would also get to laugh in his neighbor’s face.
People in the comments were also quite disgusted by the stupid behavior of the neighbor.
But most of them just wanted to advise the poster.
After all, nobody wants to see the pupper get hurt.
So he must take all the precautions to keep the dog safe and sound.
Apparently, the neighbor doesn’t want to talk to him anymore which I say is good riddance.
Has this guy never seen any of the John Wick movies?
Moving may be a bit drastic but it does sound like the safest option.
Honestly, this would be just salt in the wound that I love.
And so we end this story with another picture of this gorgeous boy.
Do you believe the man deserved everything he got? Or do you believe it went too far and that he is being unfairly punished for a mistake? Have you ever had to deal with an obnoxious drone pilot? Or do you have your own drone? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in their own experiences.
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