Cats are creatures of habit and routine, and forcing a cat to change its toilet habits could cause unnecessary stress and anxiety.
It is not uncommon for couples to have disagreements about pets, but what happens when one person demands something that the other refuses to do? This is the dilemma facing a man who wants his girlfriend to litterbox train her cat who already uses the toilet, or he will leave. The cat is trained to use the toilet for over six years. He knows to flush his poop but sometimes he forgets it. One day, the cat forgot to flush it and OP’s boyfriend demanded to train the cat to use the litterbox. His girlfriend refuses to do this and drama ensues. Scroll down to have a look at the complete story.
OP does not want to train her cat to use the litter box just because her boyfriend wants it.
This is the fluffy cat of the Original Poster:
OP’s boyfriend recently moved in with her and they had a fight because her cat uses the guest room’s bathroom and does not flush its poop.
OP’s cat is trained to use the toilet and the bathroom is usually clean because the cat knows how to flush.
Toilet training was the only way for this cat otherwise he would pee in his bed.
Seems like the cat does not get along with other animals in the home:
You are going to love this comment:
Cats would do their dirty business where they like it.
OP has decided to kick her boyfriend out and adopt another senior cat:
OP’s boyfriend will stop using the toilet:
Seems like the cat is doing it on purpose to annoy OP’s boyfriend:
Litterbox training a cat who already uses the toilet could confuse the cat and lead to negative behaviors. Furthermore, it is not fair to force someone to do something they are not comfortable with or feel is unnecessary. The girlfriend in this situation may feel that her cat’s current behavior is not causing any issues and therefore sees no reason to change it. It’s important to respect each other’s opinions and come to a compromise that works for both parties.
It’s also worth considering the motivations behind the man’s demand. Is he genuinely concerned about the cat’s behavior or is he using this as an ultimatum to manipulate his girlfriend into doing what he wants? If it’s the latter, this could be a red flag for the overall health of the relationship.
OP’s cat has learned to flush using her cute paws:
He knows that he forgot to flush it, stop reminding him:
OP’s boyfriend forgets to put the seat up and she had to sit in the wet seat and have a shower later.
Demanding that someone change their pet’s behavior is not a reasonable request, it could cause harm or discomfort to the animal. It is important to respect each other’s opinions and work toward a compromise that works for everyone involved. If you were in OP’s place, would you rehome your senior cat or kick your boyfriend out? Share your opinion in the comment section down below.
Enjoy the cat tax:
“What’s with the toilet seat?”
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