In movies and TV shows, grandmas are often portrayed as loving and showering grandchildren with gifts. But not every grandma fits this mold. Unfortunately, some grandparents overlook their grandchildren’s safety. A Reddit post highlighted one such troubling situation.
Reddit user scabbagetrout’s in-laws have a spirited, 40-pound rescue dog that they’ve failed to train properly. Despite being leashed during visits, the dog still jumps on the kids, all under six years old. The in-laws, unable to resist, unleash the dog as a reward, leading to chaos. During a recent visit, the dog chased and pinned down OP’s 5-year-old, causing distress.
Thankfully, the child wasn’t harmed physically, but the incident left him shaken. It’s a concerning situation that calls for understanding and action. OP decided to never take his children to their grandparents’ house until they trained their dog. The story was shared on the subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” by OP to know if it would make her an AH.
1. Should this really have been a question?
2. OP’s in-laws have a rescue dog who is bulky and hyper.
3. Whenever OP would be there with her kids, all under the age of 5, they would eventually take the dog off the leash and he would begin jumping on and cornering them.
4. One time the dog jumped on OP’s 5 year old and scared the life out of him.
5. OP’s MIL put the entire blame on her son for being loud near the dog.
6. OP shared they have a dog of their own and her son knows exactly how to behave around dogs.
7. Such an incident has taken place multiple times in the past as well.
8. OP’s has decided to go no-contact with her in-laws unless they train their dog.
9. The matter was taken to the courts of the AITA community by OP to know if she would be in the wrong for stop visiting her in-laws.
NTA. But I don’t understand why OP took this long to decide this. She did mention this had been happening for quite some time. She should’ve gone no contact a long time ago. There should be nothing on her priority list above her kids. To put it simply, the kids could’ve d*ed.
So irresponsible of the in-laws to not train such a bulky dog. They either need to train him or someone needs to report them so that animal control takes action.
Here’s what the AITA community had to say about this:
10. Just stay firm on your stance OP.
11. Don’t keep a dog if you cannot train it.
12. No mother would jeopardize the safety of her child.
13. It is so not worth the risk.
14. Such people don’t deserve your time. Go no-contact.
15. The situation should have been dealt with way earlier.
16. I support this rationale for YTA.
17. They need to sign up for obedience classes with their pup.
18. You know what to do, OP. Don’t take your kids there.
19. I 100% agree with this.
20. The signs are pretty clear over here.
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