Woman Makes Her Parents Homeless Because They Got Rid Of Her Dog

You have to wonder when someone talks about their connection with their pet.
Woman Makes Her Parents Homeless Because They Got Rid Of Her Dog

You have to wonder when someone talks about their connection with their pet. You’ll know what it is they’re talking about if you’ve ever had the wonderful chance to own a dog or another beloved pet.

Then you’ll realize how true it is whenever people say dogs are a man’s best friend. Dogs and humans have coexisted for tens of thousands of years.

Given how long that is, it shouldn’t be a shock that dogs and people are best companions because of their close relationship. Such as the OP in today’s tale, most dog owners will declare that their dog is a part of the family.

The everlasting affection and companionship we receive from dogs are unmatched; they are truly unique. In light of this, why would anyone even consider removing one? That’s what a particular Redditor by the name of u/Superb Prior 1641 saw her position to be. This 27-year-old woman pays 50% off everything in the home, even food, and lives with her parents.

The OP’s dog receives a lot of attention from her, but her parents perceive this as a flaw. It reached the point where her mother wanted to give the dog away since, in her terms, “my dog takes too much of my attention and that is why I am not actively seeking a husband.” Keep on scrolling down below to know what really happened here and make sure you guys read it till the end.

1. So here’s how it all started, you know the drill guys after reading this post let us know who’s the a-hole here.

2. Here’s a little introduction to OP’s life

4. OP lost it on her mom and the reason is justified

5. OP’s dad says that they will be out of money without her but OP do not believe them anymore!

6. Here’s the first commentator who says OP is not an A-hole

7. OP’s parents screwed themselves over

8. At least they shouldn’t refuse to admit they are wrong

9. In the end it’s OP who has to live her life with a husband not her mother so it is her decision when to find a husband, what do you guys think?

10. When you are an adult it is totally up to you what you wanna do with your life, you are not bound to anyone!

11. Point to be noted

12. Only dog lovers can relate to this, dogs tend to make special places in our hearts that most humans won’t.

13. OP is considering this suggestion

14. Majority of the people think they are huge a-holes for giving away OP’s dog, I think no decent human would do this.

15. NTA

16. This user is hundred percent right about OP’s parents

17. Getting rid of the dog behind OP’s back was such a cruel thing to do

18. Take the younger brother with you

19. Leaving them was a good option

20. Not a single person says that OP is an a-hole

21. We all are glad that OP got her dog back

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