Tiny Kitten’s Back Legs Had To Be Taped And It Turned Out To Be Her Lifeline

When I stumbled upon the story of a tiny kitten with taped legs, my initial reaction was shock.
Tiny Kitten’s Back Legs Had To Be Taped And It Turned Out To Be Her Lifeline

When I stumbled upon the story of a tiny kitten with taped legs, my initial reaction was shock. I felt a surge of anger, assuming it must have been a story of animal abuse.

However, as I kept reading, I discovered something totally unexpected. The reason behind this kitten’s taped legs will surely surprise you, just keep reading!

Nikki Martinez, an Instagram-famous foster mom, who had gotten to care for 5 newborn kittens, soon discovered something unusual about the litter. More precisely, about the fifth kitten named Jitterbug…

tiny gray kitten

Credit: Instagram

She was only ten days old when she started showing signs of her adorable personality and unique physique. Nikki noticed that Jitterbug’s hind legs weren’t properly positioned; instead, they moved laterally in a frog-like position.

A quick visit to the vet clinic revealed that Jitterbug had a developmental abnormality called swimmer syndrome. Although not life-threatening, the condition comes with several downhills since it makes moving around difficult.

kitten lying on a towel

Credit: Instagram

The good news is that it’s treatable if addressed on time, as was the case with Jitterbug. Since she was just a couple of weeks old, the treatment could begin right away.

It included a rather unusual technique of taping the kitten’s legs so they remain in the right position. It looks silly, but it works wonders and can help fully correct the legs.

kitten getting her legs taped

Credit: Instagram

Nikki began taping the kitten’s legs to tuck them under, starting with 45-60-minute long sessions a couple of times a day. This was necessary as the kitten was still being nursed and groomed by mama.

Such young kittens need their moms to help stimulate their bottoms to do number 1 and number 2, so that was getting in the way. However, as Jitterbug learned how to use a litter box, Nikki was able to keep her legs taped for longer periods.

kitten lying on pink blanket

Credit: Instagram

Despite having her legs taped and not being able to move like her siblings, Jitterbug was still a happy kitten. She exhibited signs of her charming personality and fully enjoyed her kitten life.

It’s almost like she didn’t accept the fact that she had a physical condition. She would do everything kittens usually do but in her own unique way. Determined to live her best life, she let nothing get in her way.

tiny kitten with taped back legs

Credit: Instagram

Jitterbug’s resilience and unbreakable spirit soon led to remarkable progress. The taping, along with physical therapy and back massages yielded results and Jitterbug started to show signs of significant improvement.

She learned how to walk, run, and even jump! Nikki shared in the video:

“It’s so fantastic and I’m so excited that I get to see that she’s going to have a normal kitty life.”

photo of two kittens sitting

Credit: Instagram

With the unwavering support from her foster parents, Jitterbug overcame all challenges and grew into a happy, healthy kitty. She was soon welcomed into a loving forever home, together with her sister Cha Cha.

You can follow this cute duo’s journey on social media by checking out their Instagram profile for a peek into their daily lives.

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