This ‘Catographer’ Takes Hilarious Portraits Of Cats That Will Make Your Day

In spite of their reputation as distant and unfriendly, cats have their own quirky quirks,
This ‘Catographer’ Takes Hilarious Portraits Of Cats That Will Make Your Day

In spite of their reputation as distant and unfriendly, cats have their own quirky quirks, making them lovable and entertaining companions if you spend enough time with them. Cats have a way of endearing themselves to their owners with the way they knead their paws or rub against them for attention. Despite their seeming aloofness, cats actually make wonderful pets and have lots of personalities.

Our guest today is Nils Jacobi, who describes himself as a “cartographer”. Through his expanding collection of adorable cat photographs, he offers a comprehensive view of our beloved furballs. From sophisticated to comical, his portfolio showcases all aspects of cats, which are wonderful creatures. Take a look at some of the most fun and playful cat images captured by him down below! 

#1 This cat must have seen a ghost

#2 No don’t hurt me I’ll be a good boy

#3 POV: you experience lightning for the first time

#4 No not again human it’s my me time

#5 The king of the cats

#6 I’m tired of these photoshoots human stop

#7 turn off your camera human I want cuddles

#8 Do you like my new flower crown human?

#9 Why is that new cat eating my treats human?

#10 Oh hi there human

#11 Look at my ears human

#12 I’m very dangerous human don’t come close to me

#13 I’m so disappointed by you human

#14 Hey human this is my first time taking pictures I don’t really know how to pose

#15 Photoshoot? again?

#16 I’m not gonna talk to you now human

#17 This cat is caught sneezing

#18 Human get this dog out of here I’m scared of dogs

#19 What how did you do that?

#20 When you don’t understand anything in the class but you pretend like you do

#21 Is your tongue as long as mine? Human?

#22 Give me that piece of meat

#23 She must have seen something very confusing

#24 The Boss cat

#25 Yeah I’m gonna mock you what are you gonna do about it?

#26 Wanna go out with me?

#27 This cat is planning on doing something she shouldn’t

#28 What this machine does human?

#29 Human these pumpkins look exactly like my eyes

#30 PeekaBoo!

#31 I’m the cat queen

#32 Hey let me sleep human

#33 Human will you please leave me alone? It’s my bedtime now

#34 I’m innocent human

#35 This cat is giving black panther vibes

#36 Look I can stand on my two feet just like you human

#37 This camera is sus

#38 Can you do this with your tongue

#39 Beat my entrance human

#40 Human how many times do i have to tell you that I don’t like taking pictures

#41 Wait don’t click I’m not posing right now

#42 POV: Your cat is experiencing love at first sight

#43 I’m sexy and I know it

#44 She must be very sleepy

#45 What did you say to me you human

#46 This black cat looked at the ring light for the first time and this was her reaction lol

#47 Human I’m old I don’t want to be in the pictures anymore

#48 Not now human I’m not in the mood for pictures

#49 This is one sassy cat

#50 This cat is from the streets better not mess with him

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