People can develop an aversion towards some or all creatures with fur, including cats and dogs, at any stage of life. One prime example is the sister-in-law of our OP from today’s Reddit AITA story, whose phobia of kitties prompted her to urge OP to let go of her feline friend. However, the cat was originally a rescue and was adopted by OP in a difficult phase of her life. To help make SIL more comfortable, OP tried her best and also made it a point to restrict access to the animal. Scroll down below to read the whole story!
#1) Is OP the AH for this?
#3) OP couldn’t find anyone to host the cat so in the meantime OP put a child gate on the stairs.
#4) OP would also take the cat to her room if needed to make her SIL comfortable but still, the SIL wanted OP to get rid of the cat.
#5) OP didn’t want to give the cat away to a shelter and OP suggested therapy for the SIL which she refused.
#6) OP’s SIL kept pressuring her to get rid of her cat and began guilt-tripping her as well.
#8) OP doesn’t know if she’s in the wrong for this or not.
OP’s commitment to caring for her pet had already been made before her SIL entered the scene, who happened to possess a phobia of cats. OP undoubtedly took every precaution to ensure the arrangement worked for her SIL, sacrificing her and her cat’s comfort.. Although OP was hesitant in whether they were right or wrong not to get rid of the cat, most commenters deemed her actions to be completely reasonable. Keep on scrolling to see what other Reddit users have to say about this situation:
#9) OP’s SIL acts very entitled.
#10) OP is going to have to give her the cat treatment.
#11) I think we would all choose the cat.
#12) Bad-mouthing OP and then asking to reconnect is wild.
#13) All hell would break lose if OP adopted another one.
#14) The cat is a living, breathing creature.
#15) She moved in knowing that a cat lived there because she thought you’d get rid of it for her.
#16) OP’s dedication to making sure her SIL was comfortable was above and beyond.
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