Neighbors Steal Redditor’s Dog, Manipulates The Story To Make Themselves The Victim

You’ll notice that it’s usually entitled people who do this when none of their other acts work and they’re desperate for something.
Neighbors Steal Redditor’s Dog, Manipulates The Story To Make Themselves The Victim

Some people enjoy portraying themselves as the victim.

You’ll notice that it’s usually entitled people who do this when none of their other acts work and they’re desperate for something. Unfortunately, this works far more frequently than it should. I’m sure we’ve all seen videos of Karens breaking something and then crying as if they were the ones who were hurt or wronged by someone else. It’s manipulation 101, and it’s revolting to witness. In their minds, they are always right and the rest of the world is wronging them in some way. They are completely unaware that they are causing harm to others. Alternatively, they do realize and they just like to have power over people.

Whatever the reasoning, it is heinous behaviour. This story also does not paint this neighbour in a favourable light. While I understand being petty towards humans and being annoyed by others, why do people bring pets into the equation? They are simply defenceless living beings who should not be harmed in any way. Stolen pets harm not only the owner’s emotional health but also the animals, especially if they have been with their master for a long time. This person, on the other hand, saw nothing wrong with it and justified herself when she was caught.

You can read the rest of the story by scrolling down.

The tile doesn’t tell us more than half of the picture.

After all, OP didn’t curse out her neighbour for no reason at all.

However, we first need to get some details and set up the scene.

Not long after the new neighbours moved in, her dog went missing and she was panicking.

OP obviously went door to door trying to find her dog.

However, when she realized what had happened, she was livid.

After all, who walks into someone’s yard and takes a dog out?

Even after she got the dog back, everyone around her was making her out to be and guy.

The neighbours are not painting themselves to be the victim in this scenario and it is sadly working.

However, OP is worried that she may have overreacted.

But her tone soon changed after she read what people on the Internet had to say.

I’m relieved that a police report was filed. She had the audacity to cry after stealing someone’s pet about how OP cursed in front of her children. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying cursing in front of a child is acceptable, but it’s nowhere near as bad as what this individual did. She clearly seeks to minimize everything and is manipulating everyone around her so that she appears to be the victim. After all, it was only a mistake, and she shouldn’t be held responsible for it, right?

After all, everyone was on her side and telling her to be careful.

You never what these kinds of people can do.

Honestly, I would be much more pissed off if someone stole my cat.

However, there were also a few people who called her out as well but still told her to keep her dog safe.

What are your thoughts on the entire situation? How would you react if your neighbour did something like this? Would you let it go or would you also file a police report? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.

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