A relationship between a man and a woman never moves in the direction of “the perfect bond” unless the couple has some fights. Fights bring about new things about each other that the partners didn’t previously know about. And making a compromise then allows them to get even closer and eliminate one more reason to fight. That is just the way to go about it. Fights do not mean it is the end of the world but if you are not willing to compromise and are starting arguments on the world’s worst topics, then your relationship with your partner will be hopeless.
In today’s story, Reddit user u/thecathasaname shared that her boyfriend has a cat named Luna. But while being adorable to Luna, he often calls her “sweetie”. I know so many people who call their cats “cutie” or “sweetie” even though they have different names, it is perfectly normal. But not for OP. OP found it really weird and disgusting that her boyfriend called his cat “sweetie” because he also calls OP “sweetie” as well. She says it creates confusion and makes her feel like he wants to be intimate with his cat when he calls her that name.
OP posted this story on the subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” to know if not wanting her boyfriend to call his cat by the nickname “sweetie” was the right thing or not.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down!
1. A girlfriend getting jealous of her boyfriend’s cat? Wow.
2. OP’s boyfriend has a cat named Luna who he likes to call “Sweetie”.
3. She doesn’t like it at all because he calls her sweetie as well and it makes her feel weird.
4. Woah, where is this woman going with this?
5. She told OP to stop doing it but he called her ridiculous for thinking the way she was thinking about this whole situation.
6. The couple got a bit rough as both called each other a$$holes, supporting their own point of view.
Yes, OP. You are a major AH. Who even thinks their partner wants to fu*k their own cat? Like why? This woman is so out of order. He calls her “sweetie” because he likes his cat. And he calls you “sweetie” because he likes you. Develop an understanding of that you dumb woman before your boyfriend leaves you and you fail to find a new one.
She is literally picking a fight with a cat….seriously woman, look after yourself.
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
7. She really created a world of confusion in her own mind.
8. No one’s thoughts ever went to that place except for this woman’s.
9. It doesn’t.
10. The fact that he calls you sweetie, OP, means he adores you too.
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