Missing K9 Hugs His Handler When The Two Are Reunited

It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it is heart-stopping…a K9 gets separated from his handler and now dozens of police are looking for the dog.
Missing K9 Hugs His Handler When The Two Are Reunited

It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it is heart-stopping…a K9 gets separated from his handler and now dozens of police are looking for the dog.

K9 Gunner and his handler were performing training exercises in Kings Mountain State Park Living History Farm in South Carolina when the 3-year-old bloodhound jerked away from the officer and darted into the woods.

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According to the York County Sheriff’s Office, Gunner and his handler were separated at about 3 p.m. Dozens of police began searching for the dog, including the Gaston County Police Department, and Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office and dispatched ATVs and a helicopter during the search.

They searched for 25 hours, and Gunner wasn’t easy to find. It wasn’t until Thursday morning that the dog was reunited with his handler. Fortunately, the dog was in good health except for being “cold, wet, and thirsty.”

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From Gunner’s reaction, he clearly missed his handler. When he saw him, he started wagging his tail, jumping into his arms, and giving him a big hug. He was super happy to be reunited and, on his way home to his retired K9 friend.

We wish the dog could talk and tell us all what prompted him to go running off in the first place. The sweet K9 sure gave everyone a scare and you’ve got to wonder what he did during his time alone in the woods.

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We’re glad that Gunner is okay and will return to work soon. His handler was relieved and happy that the dog was safe and sound, back in his arms. He had looked for hours for Gunner and was very worried about him.

Gunner is a good boy and has been on over 30 find calls this year. His handler was emotional and grateful that he was safe and thanked everyone for their help.

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The other officers were also relieved to do their part and to have finally located the dog. Thankfully this story has a happy ending and K9 Gunner is back where he belongs. We hope you enjoyed his story. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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