Guy Doesn’t Help His Wife With The Dog, She Gets Fed Up And Loses Her Calm

While a lot of people will agree that having a doggo companion is absolutely magnificent and everyone needs a pet, that isn’t the case.
Guy Doesn’t Help His Wife With The Dog, She Gets Fed Up And Loses Her Calm

Owning a dog isn’t for everyone.

While a lot of people will agree that having a doggo companion is absolutely magnificent and everyone needs a pet, that isn’t the case. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that dogs are great for your mental and physical health but that doesn’t mean that you can actually take care of them. It might look incredibly easy to take care of a dog but they require a lot of investment when it comes to time and money.

So while a lot of people love the idea of having a dog, they don’t realize what they are actually getting into until they get one and realize that life isn’t for them. This is harmful to the dog as they end up back t the shelter. That is why it is necessary to do your research and not adopt a living being on a whim. I mean, would you adopt a baby when you were out partying? I understand that babies are harder to take care of than animals but that doesn’t mean they are easy either.

This is especially true if you are getting a pet with your partner. You can’t expect them to do all the work when you are the one who wanted it in the first place. Scroll below to see what this story is all about.

The title makes it sound worse than it actually is.

You see, they decided to get a dog as her husband really wanted one.

However, he doesn’t help her at all which has her growing resentful.

She tried to talk to him about this but he isn’t receptive to any of her valid concerns.

I am just going to come right out and say that their relationship has more problems than just the dog. I mean it is clear that her husband doesn’t respect her because if he did, he wouldn’t unload all his responsibilities on her. He clearly thinks that she has it easy and he needs to see the truth. They need help when it comes to their relationship because it won’t last long if they don’t find a way to work it out or the husband doesn’t change.

People in the comments were quite surprised by his overall behavior.

Most people mentioned that the problem runs deeper than the dog.

And that he needs to help her.

Or else, the relationship isn’t going to last long.

It is not about being a morning person at all.

It is all about helping your partner.

This doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship to me.

That is what is confusing me as well.

He expects her to do everything.

And she doesn’t even get enough sleep.

She is probably waking up much earlier and I cannot even imagine that.

If anybody treated me this way, I would leave them in a heartbeat.

He doesn’t sound like the best husband to me.

This sounds like good advice but I don’t think that he will listen.

It is about more than just the dog.

The dog is just a catalyst for all the other issues.

He really needs to be taught a lesson and this might be it.

It is time for the adorable cat tax!

When you buy a gift for your kitty but they end up liking the box more. Though I have to admit that this kitty looks incredibly alert.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think they can work it out by communication? Or was the relationship doomed from the start? What would you do if your partner put all the responsibilities on you? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join the discussion with their opinion as well.

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