Men and farts is an age-old tale of humor and controversy. For as long as I can remember, it’s been a universal truth that men find farts amusing. They delight in letting one loose and even playfully subject their partners to the aftermath. But here’s the twist: while men laugh at their own gas, they often turn up their noses at women’s.
In a story that we have got for you guys today, a boyfriend once scolded his girlfriend for something she couldn’t control – farting in her sleep. It’s a curious case of selective amusement that begs the question: why the bias?
1. Here we go…
2. One time while the couple was on a vacation, OP farted in her sleep.
3. Her boyfriend went absolutely crazy about it.
4. OP felt extremely embarrassed after her boyfriend created such a scene around it.
5. OP shared her boyfriend was a divorced father of two kids and that she expected him to be mature about such things.
6. OP even shared her boyfriend was familiar with her diet plan and knew that it could cause her to fart.
7. OP didn’t ever laugh at him for many things he had disclosed to her about himself so she questioned why did he have to humiliate her for farting in her sleep.
The story was shared on Twitter and the community had a lot to say. Here are some of the responses:
8. You would naturally expect a certain level of maturity from such a person.
9. If you resort to a bathroom to fart, it would confirm his authority over you. Don’t let it happen.
10. I second this.
11. She farts, so she should make sure to fart properly.
12. Everyone farts. Should we all start going to the bathtoom just to pass one out? This is insane.
13. I really didn’t understand what the big deal was.
Farting is an important bodily function. For our digestive system to operate properly, our body needs to release those gases. Whether in the sleep or if you are sitting with someone in comete consciousness, one should never hold in their fart because it can be dangerous.
Speaking of OP’s boyfriend, I think now we all know why the guy got dirvorced in the first place. He is so immatute and OP shouldn’t let him accertain this immaturity on herself.
You can fart whenevet you want, woman.
14. Well he can buy one then.
15. I know right? She can’t recall the fart back, can she?
16. From what I have just read, I don’t think older men are mature at all.
17. Whenever any one in my family farts, we all have a laugh about it including the person who farted.
18. So pathetic! Glad you dated him and aren’t still dating him.
19. OP was so defensive in this story and that is unfortunate.
20. “Slept wrong”. What even?
21. The reason is very easy to guess.
22. Dream girl, my butt!
23. You don’t need to put up with any of this sh*t, you have a soul of your own.
24. She needs to end this relationship before that day comes.
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