Cats are sneaky creatures.
Anyone who has a cat knows the guilt of accidentally stepping on their tails when you are just trying to cook and they somehow managed to get in between your feet. Cue a few hours of you fussing over your cat as he enjoys all the love. Can you tell that this has happened to me several times? You would think that the cats would learn not to do this but they continue to do it. Whether it is sneaking out of the house or deciding to enter the neighbour’s home, cats always do the most unexpected things.
That is where Tigger comes in. Tigger is the kitty that decided one home wasn’t enough and he needed more love and humans doting over him. So what did he do? He snuck into someone else’s home and decided to get cosy. The humans were quite surprised as they did sometimes leave the door open but this surprise visitor was a first. They soon realized that the cat wasn’t a stray and the collar indicated that his family lived only a block away.
This is Tigger, the ginger cat.
He wanted another home to nap in so he wanted to his family’s house.
He has clearly taken a liking to them.
And loves watching TV with them.
His family has given up on making him not wander about and say that he does whatever he wants. So when he feels like going out, at least they know he is going to his second home. Both of the families absolutely adore him and he is clearly living the high life.
He sometimes visits twice a day and even sleeps over at times.
He clearly feels at home and we couldn’t be any happier for him.
He has apparently always been like this and loves going into neighbours’ houses. Maybe he is looking for food and wants extra treats. Or he is just a curious kitty.
You know what we all need after all those cat pictures? More cat tax!
When your cat feels warm, there is a high chance that it will sneak into the fridge or better yet the sink even though they hate water.
Has something simial ever happened to you? If so, were you okay with a surprise cat in your home? Are you fine with your cat wandering out or do you keep them locked in your home? I never let my cat leave the house since he is a scared cat and he doesn’t even like going into the balcony. And I am also afraid that someone might steal him but to each his own. Did this story make you happy? If so, we have a ton more wholesome stories just like this one which you can peruse on our website. So comment down below and don’t forget to share this adorable story with your friends.
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