Cats are lovable animals.
I understand that not everyone is a cat person, but just because you are not a huge cat fan doesn’t mean you can impose your opinions on others. Some people form strong emotional bonds with their pets, treating them as if they were family members. This bond can sometimes cause people to prioritise their pets’ health and companionship over their relationships with other people. The loyalty, unconditional love, and comfort that pets provide can have a significant impact on these people’s decisions and priorities.
I understand that many people will argue that humans matter more than animals, but I believe it depends on the individual. For example, you may adore your partner, but if that partner does something to harm your pet, is that a good omen for the future? It demonstrates early on how they will treat all animals, which can reveal a lot about the individual. The following story is no different, as the original poster (OP) discovered after her cat scratched her fiance’s car. Her fiancé clearly did not like this fact, but instead of dealing with it maturely, he did something unthinkable.
Calling off a wedding sounds incredibly expensive, and OP isn’t sure whether she did the right thing.
OP has had a few issues with her ex, Tom, which led her to call off the wedding.
One day, OP was out shopping for a new trash can and asking Tom for his opinion.
Throughout their text messages, Tm replied that he had dropped off OP’s cat in the middle of nowhere because the kitty scratched his car.
His best friend, who was living with them at the time, was also in on it, and OP obviously broke down.
OP unsurprisingly cared a lot about the cat and thought of the kitty as her child, so this was a surprise.
The cat had been having some problems scratching things and reliving himself outside of the litter, but nothing they did worked.
The reason he did this was because, apparently, the cat had scratched his car.
He didn’t have any proof of this, but apparently, the scratch was enough, but OP couldn’t really let the cat go.
OP tried everything to find the cat, but nothing worked.
Tom didn’t help OP at all, so she decided to leave him, and she also called off the wedding.
This obviously caused OP a lot of emotional stress, and it left her wondering whether she did the right thing.
We also got an update explaining that the cat was originally an outdoor cat, so that wasn’t an issue.
It is clear that they had a lot of problems in their relationship.
Who drops off their partner’s cat in the middle of the park? That is truly horrific. I understand that you may not always be prepared to care for a specific pet, but this usually means that you will find them a loving home where they can thrive. You do not, under any circumstances, kick the cat in the middle of nowhere.
How could he possibly do this and expect his relationship with the OP to remain intact? I believe the OP did exactly the right thing by leaving him. If I had been in this situation, I would have gone much further because I adore my cat.
People in the comments had a lot of advice to give.
Some even advised her to take it further and file a police report.
Who is heartless enough to do something like this?
I really hope that OP finds the cat.
My cat is much more important to me than anyone else.
While I don’t condone this, it seems appropriate in this case.
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