40 Adorable Animals Who Recently Got Rescued And Adopted

What can instantly make you feel better? What can make your mood go from a 0 to 100 real quick? Do you want to know the answer?
40 Adorable Animals Who Recently Got Rescued And Adopted

What is your quick fix to a bad day?

What can instantly make you feel better? What can make your mood go from a 0 to 100 real quick? Do you want to know the answer? Well, we will give you the answer in a few moments, and also show you something that will not only brighten your day but also help you take important life decisions! This can be a life-altering post for you.

Have you guessed what we’re talking about yet? Well, we’re talking about PETS! Yes, you read it right. What other thing can make you feel happier than having a four-legged furry animal running around the house? They are not as big of a responsibility as human children and you will not have to wake up several nights in a row because your fur baby is crying. Pets give you all that love of babies without all the stress. In fact, pets take away all your stress and give you something to be happy about. Imagine coming home from a tiring day at the office, and in a really bad mood, you open the door and your beloved pet comes and starts cuddling you and rubbing its furry body against you. Wouldn’t that be really soothing and calming? I’m sure you know what the answer is!

There are other benefits of having a pet around, they make you feel more energetic, they make you stay fit, they make sure you are never alone and they keep you entertained all the time! They also lower your stress levels! Yes, they do! If you think you are lonely or feeling down, we have the perfect solution for you! Just scroll down and I am sure this post will help decide whether you want a pet or not!

1. The two bonded kitties are inseparable!

2. When you want a dog but find this cute little bubba!

3. “We Are Not Keeping The Stray.” My Husband Today: “Don’t Wake Up Oliver, He’s Tuckered Out.”

4. That fluff, those ears, completely adorable!

6. Belly floof!

7. This rug is mine, human!

When you get a cat, you should be ready to share everything! LITERALLY EVERYTHING!

8. This cat has found its comfy position!

9. Kitty: This is now my new hiding spot.

“Sweet! The kitty found a nice spot in the hoodie.”- Raine Soo

10.  Kitten: Don’t you dare spray water on me!

Kitty waited for the human to get distracted so she could steal some food.

11. When your cat isn’t really interested in taking a selfie with you.

I don’t know what’s with cats and their ability to not care at all.

12. Cutest blep in town!

One thing that we all need to reconsider is adopting animals rather than buying them. It’s a hard enough life for them as it is and on top of all that, they are abandoned by their owners as well. Almost 6.5 million animals were reported to have ended up at the shelters. Among which half were dogs and half were cats. Even though it is not better than what it was like in 2011, the situation should still keep getting better.

Fortunately, even though the pandemic has been hard on all of us, it has given us humans the ability to adopt more animals and/or spend more time with our current pets. Here is what Kitty Block who is the CEO of the Humane Society had to say;

“Folks who don’t have animals for one reason or another, because of their work schedule or their travel schedule, that’s all changed right now”

13. Hi human, can I come with you?

Technically that was an order, so take me home THIS INSTANCE!

14. Adopt one, get one free.

Such a precious duo!

15. The fluffy bubba looks so happy!

16. The most amazing progress!

So glad that the doggo got into good hands who really looked after this beloved baby!

17. Cuddling with this big lovely boo!

Well, who knew that buffalos could also be rescued?

18. Seems like they have settled in!

Watching these cats sleep so peacefully is making all my worries go away.

19. You shall be happy and protected here!

20. Yes human, see me stretch!

Imma stretch, do yoga, and be a good boy!

21. Waiting for my online order after it has been dispatched!

22. Are you my new human?

Would drive a thousand miles to see this cutie!

23. Mr. Wittle Gentleman!

24. She found a best friend in you.

This beautiful dog surely feels safe around its new owner!

Where people are all joining hands in trying to give back to the society of the voiceless, New York is actually in shortage of dogs up for foster and adoption! Anna Lai who is the marketing director at Muddy Paws explained the situation with volunteers who want to foster

“For the moment, we definitely don’t have any dogs left to match… Which is a great problem to have,”

Indeed it is! However, when it comes to adopting a new pet, be sure not to be impulsive. More often than not, we decide on getting a new pet without knowing how hard it is to look after one. There are so many other things to consider; their food and the varying timings, their training, their vet visits and finances, plus we all love spoiling our little babies! They also require more time and more care, especially if they are very young!

The head of center operations, Rob Young, who works at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, had a lot of insights as to what you should definitely be aware of before, during and after adopting a pet cat or pet dog. In his own words he had said; ” getting a pet should never be an impulsive decision”

Something that we should all applaud about Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is that they follow a particular type of rehoming procedure known as  “assessing the motivations and suitability of new owners.”

25. Dad: I don’t like animals.

A few moments later…

26. Completing each other!

They both got lucky and found each other! How adorable!

27. Excitement level = Infinite!

We love how excited this big boy is about going home!

28. James, you are going too fast! SLOW DOWN!

29. Oh yeah, doggo you are my favourite pillow!

30. Coming home from school vs leaving for school from home.

P.s this cat looks so majestic in both pictures!

31. No more loneliness.

32. So smol and so cute!

“Will additionally consider the impact of Government restrictions on new owners,” continued Rob about their rehoming staff. He wants to ensure that their new potential owners are “able to provide a setup that will still be suitable for a new pet once lockdown is over and they return to their usual lifestyle.”

Sometimes, it does get hard to look after dogs and cats. Even if we do not admit it, at some point in our lives we HAVE struggled! Here’s what Rob has to say about that; “Contacting a rescue centre is the most responsible decision if you can no longer care for a dog or cat,” Even if that seems scary,  “put that fear aside for the sake of your pet’s welfare and bring them to a rescue.”

“You’ll never be judged or shamed for making the responsible decision,” assured Rob! Because for them, and for us as well, animals’ well-being should be of the highest priority.

33. What a scrumptious little dollop of marmalade!

34. Another “I don’t like cats” fail.

35. Those paws and those eyes! *Heart eyes*

36. I could eat those little paws!

This person has gotten so lucky to have a companion like this one!

37. Finally found someone to carry me home – Doggo

38. This doggo is attractive AF! How could someone not want this one?!

“She is so pretty, with Heterochromia too!” – Grace Maraffa

39. All the bun-buns must be hugged!

40. Stunning fluff, she really feels like she’s home

All these amazing pet images literally melted our hearts! I hope these did the same for you! Can’t wait to show my mom these adorable babies so that she agrees and lets me keep a baby pet! I am sure you can show this article to your parents if they don’t allow you to keep a pet, this might change their minds! What are your views about having pets around? Let us know in the comments section below!

Don’t forget to share this with your loved ones to let them know the do’s and don’t’s of adopting! And always remember; Adopt, Don’t Shop!

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