21 Photos Proving That Yes, Cats Truly Are Cute, But They’re Also Big Weirdos

Cats are just so great. All of us already know this. However, cats can also be just so weird sometimes!
21 Photos Proving That Yes, Cats Truly Are Cute, But They’re Also Big Weirdos

1. Cats are just so great. All of us already know this. However, cats can also be just so weird sometimes!

2. One minute, they’re acting totally normal. The next, they’re standing up tall like a human.

3. Sometimes they’re crouching like a human, which is even more off-putting.

4. And they always find the strangest places to relax.

5. Just chillin’ on the shower taps!

6. They also spend a lot of time and effort achieving peculiar things.

7. What is this furry even doing???

8. Cats most definitely have an inflated sense of ego about themselves.

9. And they always fall asleep in the weirdest places.

10. Seriously, THE WEIRDEST.

11. And in just about any position, too.

12. And it clearly doesn’t matter where they are; it’s just time for snoozes.

13. Our cats can give us heart attack by doing literally nothing.

14. There are many cats who hate water but love the shower.

15. And sometimes they don’t hate water at all. Are you confused yet?

16. When you catch them in the act of being total weirdos, they look at you like you’re actually the one who’s intruding.

17. Sometimes you may even wonder if your cat is defective.

18. And you begin to question if they themselves even know what they’re doing.

19. What’s truly and actually going on in those cute little brains of theirs?

20. Of course, despite how weird our kitties are, sometimes we wish we could see the world through our cat’s eyes.

21. Although on second thought, perhaps we’re better off not knowing.

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