We are firm believers in “Adopt, don’t shop.”
That is because it is more beneficial for animals in the long term as breeders are known to misuse animals a lot. So we shouldn’t contribute to their business. However, if looking at the short-term effects, we want every animal to have a forever home. We treat all animals the same way, regardless of their breed. It doesn’t matter what size, colour, or breed they are. They are all extremely loveable and adorable and they deserve a forever home even if their parents weren’t pure breeds. All dogs are capable of giving unconditional love to their humans. They will love you till the end of time. When you will see your dog look at you with so much love in their eyes, their breed won’t matter.
A Twitter user with the username @agosfrisicaro shared their experience of buying a dog with the sellers claiming it would be a poodle. However, that was not the case and the dog turned out to be something entirely different. This tweet started a thread of a lot of dog and cat owners who were tricked into buying specific breeds. Even though they still love their pets, the results are hilarious. Scroll down below to see them:
1. This was the tweet that started it all.
2. And the replies came flooding in.
3. 40% Dalmatian uploaded.
4. That is definitely a pony.
5. He’s taller than me.
6. You can’t tell a cat’s gender when they are very young.
7. That is a Pit Bull for sure.
8. A very beautiful doggo.
9. I wonder what were the “things” that happened.
10. He seems happy to not be a poodle.
When I was 12, I was driving in the car with my mum and we saw 5 puppies walking with a woman on the sidewalk. We stopped near them because they were just too cute to ignore. I asked to pet one of them and told my mum I really want a puppy. So the lady randomly said “You can take one of them. They are pure labradors.” That is the story of how I got my first dog, but it certainly wasn’t a labrador. I still loved my Courage regardless. Scroll down below for more funny breed scams:
11. He seems angry though.
12. That is one chonky sausage boy.
13. Okay, this dog is so pretty.
14. Big, black void.
15. She is a collie in spirit.
16. Well, at least they have the eyebrows.
17. Another sausage baby.
18. Another gender scam.
19. I think that is Gollum.
20. Love the clothes!
21. Such a cute doggo.
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