Some cats are high maintenance; they know what they want.
All cats are adorable no matter what their size and shape is. But some cats are special, they are not ordinary. They do not act like every other cat. They are born with an attitude and they like living a “high maintenance” life. They know their demands and they know how their demands would be fulfilled. They would be ruling the house and you would doubt if the cat is living in your house or you are living in your cat’s house. Today, we have compiled 12 photos of high maintenance cats that are ready to bring a smile to your face. So, scroll down and have fun!
1. When the UGG boots are comfier than your bed:
2. When you are in love with your newly bought candle:
It seems like she would stare the candle all day long until it melts to the end.
3. She can not wait for the brunch cocktails:
She looks more excited than the guests.
4. This cat is busy updating her website, so better not disturb her:
The entrepreneur kitty is doing her best.
5. When you cannot function with the Starbucks:
6. Who would say “no” to Frappuccino?
At least, this kitty would never say “no”. She seems to love it. We are not the only ones who love Starbucks. Our furry friends are also in love with Starbucks and like to start their day with a cup of Starbucks. That’s how high maintenance cats love to live their lives. They would act like queens. Well, they are born to shine! We love our cats so much that we do not mind them being the high-maintenance cats.
7. This girl takes an hour to get ready:
8. When you are a selfie addict and can not stop taking selfies:
This cat is literally every other girl.
9. That’s how I look while using my mobile phone after waking up in the morning:
She looks really cute but I do not.
10. Bring a new box into the house and she would sit in it:
Right now, our favorite box is the empty Diet Coke box.
11. Mommy, I will check if it is cold or not:
12. All I need in my life is a cozy bed and bagels:
Who does not like bagels? If it was my cat, it would have been so cool to share bagels with the cat. Is your cat high maintenance? What is it that your cat does? Let us know in the comment section down below and do not forget to share your cat’s photos with us in the comment section down below!
Enjoy this wholesome cat tax:
“Adopted new cat 3 weeks ago, she hides in the basement most of the time (in picture our unfinished basement bathroom) sometimes she comes upstairs and meows very loudly at me, but won’t let me touch her and she runs away when I walk toward her. What does she want, and when will she let me pet her?”
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